Thursday 17 November 2016

Student Council Distinction evidence #7

On Wednesday at 12:10 I had to stop what I was doing at put it away because I had student council at 12:15.  When I got there, there was not many people there at all, so I asked if they could do a ding ding and say that student council is on in the hall foyer.  After a while a few more people came but there was still very little people there.  The reasons why people were not there was because the year 5's were away on camp and lots of people were sick.  After that we started the meeting, we couldn't really talk about much because everyone needed to hear it.  What we said was that everyone had to make a poster about pet day saying what date it is and some info about it.  I showed leadership by being at the right place at the right time to attend the meeting.

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