Wednesday, 16 December 2015

Wellington follow-up.

This is my Wellington follow-up activity.  The main question is How old do you need to be to vote and why is this law in place?

Monday, 7 December 2015

Gala setup

On Friday after Senior Choir, the five boys who are in choir and Brad helped carry up the small stages to the truck so people could practice on them.  After that Mr Horn noticed that one of the stages had a big crack in it and he didn't think that it was safe so we had to go and get Mr Rush to check it to see if it was safe to use.  After we had got Mr Rush he said that it was not safe so he got some wood to fix it.  Next we had to go back to class because it was the end of morning tea.  After morning tea we set up the white elephant in the hall and the hall foyer and had our dance practice on the stage.  After lunch we set up the chairs on the grass for the people to sit on.  After we had done that we went back to class and then we had a game of football on the field.  I showed leadership by staying ontask and completing the task that I was assigned to.