Thursday, 24 September 2015


Week 2
In week 2 in science we did a test to see how much we know about science words like insoluble and soluble if we know what they meant we put them together and then the teachers look a them at see the rough data and then they do experiments on the words that we don't know.

Week 3-5
After the test we did science on a Wednesday and on a Thursday.  On Wednesday we did science as a group and we did experiments.  We were split into 3 groups and we rotated around.  

Week 6
In week 6 we did the some test that we did in week 2 and we used our knowledge for the past 3 weeks.  The test was the solo hexagons that we did in week 2.  When we linked them we had to write why they were linked. 

Wednesday, 23 September 2015

Term 3 reflection

In term 3 there has been some ups and downs for me here are my 3 things that I have done well in term 3.
  1. I have been getting all my work done to a high standard and completing in the time frame we have been given.
  2. I have been getting all my home work done so I can do Discovery on Friday.
  3. I have arrived at school on time for the role on Tuesdays.
Now here are 3 things that I have not done so well this term.
  1. I have not been transitioning that well. 
  2. I have been talking a bit when we are learning.
  3. I need to ask more questions because I am quiet.


In Discovery I am in a group with Victor and Alex and we are doing What is better Apple I-phone 6 or Samsung S6.  We have lots of questions that we are wanting the answer so we have to cover all of the main point of the phone.  In our research we have to find 3 sites that are the same and then we can prove that it is whatever.  After all our research is done we have to create a slide show on what we have learnt and what phone is better.

Reading, Writing and Maths

In reading in the boys class we are still doing your before, after and must do's actives and my latest reading activity was on a cricket game that someone's granddad was telling his grandson.  We only got our before activity because we had a lot of things on.

In Writing we have been doing persuasive speech's and we had to present them to our class and then if you were in the top 3 yr 7's and the top 3 yr 8's went against the girls and the 1st place yr 7 and 8 went to the Ellesmere speech compaction.

In maths we have planed our new program but we have not started it yet.  First we do a test and then we get our results and we chose some goals from our incorrect side and then we move our photo to the first goal that we chose.  After that we do a process that is workshop on the goal, then we do an activity on our goal and then we have a conference if we still don't get it, and after that we do an activity on IXL and if we get 100% we have passed our goal and we can move onto another goal.  

Tuesday, 22 September 2015

Senior Librarian distinction evidence #3

On Tuesday I went to the library to read a book but Mrs Ward was short a librarian so she asked me if I would like to help out so I stepped in.  Mrs Ward had lots of jobs to do but she got me to stamp Oaklands School on to some new school  journals.  There were 5 box's and all of them had around 50 books in them.  She also had Sharna and Xanthe helping.  Sharna was stamping like me and Xanthe was tapeing the books.  Some people came up to me and said is doing librarian fun so I said yes and I encouraged them to do it in year 7/8.  After they were gone I got back to work and at the end of lunchtime I had ended up doing 2 full box's which helped Mrs Ward out a lot.   I showed leadership by helping around the school when asked. 

Technology at Lincoln distinction evidence #5

On Tuesday I had to get to school at 8:15 because I had technology at Lincoln.  When we were lining up there was only 1 bus so the other group had to wait but as soon as we left the other bus came.  Our bus that we were on was a tour bus so we had to respect it like we respect the other bus's.  When we got there I headed to workshop and got straight in to my work. Mr Bowers just said that we know what to do so I got into painting my speaker box.  When I looked at it the paint had dried and last week the yellow was looking a bit green so I made a lighter yellow but I ran out so I just sanded the paint off and repainted it.  I got about 2 coats done on each side so I think I will get it finished.  For the rest of the day at Lincoln I just painted and waited for the paint to dry. I showed leadership by being careful when I was using the paint because it could have gone everywhere.  

Friday, 18 September 2015

P.A.L.S distinction evidence #3

On Friday I had P.A.L.S duty but things didn't turn out that well.  After the bell rang at 12:40 I went looking for Isabella but all of her friends said that she was sick so then I went looking for Poppy but she  was watching the talent show that was on in the hall.  I told her that we had P.A.L.S but she wanted to stay and watch.  Next I went looking for other people to help me do my duty but everyone I asked said no or was either watching the talent show. After that I told Mr Muller and he said to not worry about it.  After that I went and watched the talent show for the rest of lunchtime.  I showed leadership by being responsible and turning up to do my P.A.L.S duty even though the others didn't bother. 

Getting involved distinction evidence #4

Koru games
Over the last 3 days all the students in the yr 7/8's have been competing in the Koru games.  There were 4 sports that we could do they were Netball, Basketball, Touch and Football.  I was playing Football in the boys B team.  I really enjoyed competing because we got to play aganst other schools that we have not played aganst before.  I really improved my skills because as people say the more practice you get the better you will get.  Over all I found the Koru games challenging because in our pool we had the winners and 2 other teams that got in the top 8 teams.  I showed leadership by being respectful to the other players, referees and teachers.

Friday, 11 September 2015

Senior Choir distinction evidence #4

On Friday I had to get to school at 8:30 because I had Senior Choir at 8:45 in the music room.  When I got there all the boys from the boys class were there.  Straight after I got there Mr McCullam said that Mrs Harris was sick but the next minute Mrs Harris walks in.  Firstly we did your warm ups and then we sang the national anthem 2 times and then we sang Ring of Fire.  We went through that song about 2 times and we practiced one bit where we were flat.  After that we sang American child 2 times and then we sang our new song.  We watched the video and then we tried singing it.  After that we did the roll.  I showed leadership by listening to Mrs Harris when she was talking.

Peer mediator distinction evidence #4

On Thursday at 1:10 Ryan, Victor and I got the gear from the other group and since they only had 2 members we had to go and get another vest and an I-pad because the other group didn't have one.  After we had got the I-pad we headed out to the field to do our duty.  Once we started walking around it was only a matter of moments until we had a problem to solve.  The problem was about some kids arguing about how someone did something and then they were throwing jumpers at each other.  Straight after that we had another problem to solve and that was just another argument.  After that the bell rang so we had to go put the gear back in the right place and next we headed back to class.  I showed leadership by being at the right place at the right time to do my duty.

Tuesday, 8 September 2015

Senior librarian distinction evidence #2

Today I had library duty at lunch time.  When I got to the library Mrs Ward said that I had to put the books back on the shelve. When I looked at the shelves there was a lot of books so I started putting them back.  Once they were all back in the right place Mrs Ward had a job for me to do.  The job was to staple up the juniors elephant paintings they had made in class and shared at the assembly on Monday.  First we started to tape 2 of them together and then put pegs on the top corners.  I stopped doing that because it was hard for me because I am a lefty.  Mrs Ward got me another job and it was to staple them to the wall.  It was hard but I got the hang of it.  I showed leadership by being at the right place at the right time to do my duty.

Technology at Lincoln distinction evidence #3

On Tuesday I had to get to school at 8:15 because we had technology at Lincoln primary school.  When we were lining up there was only one bus so my group had to wait. When we got there I headed straight to workshop.  When we were going in the teacher came out and said we had to line up.  Once we got inside he introduced himself his name was Mr Privlage.  After he had introduced himself we got into making our speaker box.  I got straight into painting my box, my box is going to be spongebob squarepants.  I was trying to get the right shade of yellow because the yellow we had looked green.  After morning tea I still had a lot of painting to do so I got into it again.  When we got told to pack up I packed up straight away and helped others.  At the end I still had a lot of painting to do so next week I will have to paint.  I showed leadership by being careful when I was using paint because it could of gone everywhere.

Friday, 4 September 2015

P.A.L.S distinction evidence #2

On Friday at 1:00 I got Poppy and Isabella because we had P.A.L.S.  When I finally found them both, I went and got them a vest so we could be recognised by people.  After that we talked and decided what we were going to do.  We finally decided what we were going to do and it was just to shoot hoops on the netball court.  Isabella went and got her friends from the library and they shot some hoops.  We only ended up with about 10 people so it was easier to shoot and they all got lots of turns at shooting.  After lots of shooting the bell rang so we put the balls back and put our vests back in the green bin.  I showed leadership by being at the right place at the right time to do my duty.  

Senior choir distinction evidence #3

Today I had to get to school at 8:30 because I had senior choir at 8:45 in the music room.  When I got there, there was only a few people there but when Miss Harris got there more people came and we got into our warm ups.  Once we had gone through our warm ups we got straight into singing.  First we sang "Here comes the sun" a few times and then we sang "ring of fire" a few times and we practiced certain parts where it was high and low.  After that we got told that we are learning a new song and we got given a lyrics sheet so we could practice.  We went through the first 6 lines a few times and then choir was finished because it was 9:30 and the yrs 5/6 had Te Reo.  I showed leadership by being resilient when singing our new song because it was challenging.

Peer mediator distinction evidence #3

On Thursday at 1:10 I went and got Ryan and Victor because we had Peer mediator.  When we swaped with the other group they only had 2 people so we had to go and get another vest and they also didn't have an IPad so we had to go and get one.  When we went to get one the door was locked so I had to go and get Mrs O's keys so we could unlock the door.  When we finally got an IPad we walked around room's 1,2,3,4,7,8,9,10 and 11 because the field was closed.  When we were walking around there was only 2 people that hurt themselves and we checked if they were ok and 1 was and 1 wasn't so we took her to a duty teacher and she went to the sickbay.  There was no other problems so we just kept walking around untill the bell rang.  I showed leadership by being at the right place at the right time to do my duty.

Tuesday, 1 September 2015

Senior Librarian distinction evidence #1

On Tuesday at lunchtime I headed to the library for library duty because it was my turn.  When I got there Hannah was already there and she said for me to help her put the books back on the shelfs.  When Victor got there he helped Hannah and I put the books back.  Once all the books were back Hannah and I sat at the desk and Victor tidyed the shelfs. After that Mrs Ward said that Victor could go because there was nothing to do.  For the rest of lunch Hannah and I just sat at the desk and issued and returned books for people.  After a while Mrs Ward said for us to close the library and after the bell rang we headed back to class.  I showed leadership by being at the right place at the right time to do my duty.

Technology at Lincoln distinction evidence #2

On Tuesday I had to get to school earlier than I normally do because I had techology at Lincoln primary school.  When we were lining up there was only 1 bus so my bus group got to go on it and the other group had to wait but then the other bus came.  Once we had sat down there were still a few people standing and there were spare sets on the other bus so those people went onto the other bus.  Once we got there I went straight to woodwork.  Once everyone was there Mr Bowers had a talk to us about  how we sand out box.  He said that we use the rougher sandpaper and use the light stuff for afterwoods.  After Mr Bowers had finished talking we got into it.  First I sanded my box untill it was smoth on all the edges and sides.  After Mr Bowers said yes I could start the put the masking tape on where I am going to put the holes in spongebobs head.  I showed leadership by being carful when I was around machinery.